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The New Progressive Movement embraces libertarian ideals & a firm commitment to a further evolution of the American experience: 1. Entrepreneurial Freedom 2. Limited rather than oppressive taxation 3. 1st Amendment principles protecting sensual, creative and religious freedom; especially freedom from religious zeaolotry, such as the threat posed by the global proliferation of radical Islam. 4.Acceptance of American Democracy & Capitalism as the best liberator of humanity.
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:: Friday, September 05, 2003 ::

and the "Goddess" who took Manhattan


ADJECTIVE: 1. Relating to or affecting any of the senses or a sense organ; sensory. 2a. Of, relating to, given to, or providing gratification of the physical and especially the sexual appetites. See synonyms at sensuous. b. Suggesting sexuality; voluptuous. c. Physical rather than spiritual or intellectual. d. Lacking in moral or spiritual interests; worldly.
\Sen"su*al\, a. [L. sensualis, from sensus sense: cf. F. sensuel.] 1. Pertaining to, consisting in, or affecting, the sense, or bodily organs of perception; relating to, or concerning, the body, in distinction from the spirit.

sen·su·ous adj.
Of, relating to, or derived from the senses.
Appealing to or gratifying the senses.

Readily affected through the senses.
Highly appreciative of the pleasures of sensation.
These adjectives mean of, given to, or furnishing satisfaction of the senses. Sensuous usually applies to the senses involved in aesthetic enjoyment, as of art or music: “The sensuous joy from all things fair/His strenuous bent of soul repressed” (John Greenleaf Whittier). Sensual more often applies to the physical senses or appetites, particularly those associated with sexual pleasure: “Of music Dr. Johnson used to say that it was the only sensual pleasure without vice” (William Seward).

Sensual has always signified beauty, an indulgence of the human spirit and sensitivity; a sensory appreciation for the asthetic beauty in life, people, art, culture and yes...sex. It is a positive word. But as one of my female comedianne friends has stated, we live in a society that is somewhat uncomfortable with sexuality per se. On one hand we use sensual images to sell things which are inherently NOT sexy and downplay the sex appeal of that which is inherently sensual and perhaps even erotic. Sensuality in Art is always controversial, even when it comes to romance. See
Sensual Romance, Erotica or Porn

All dictionaries agree that the first definition of ‘sensual’ relates to the senses or bodily sense organs. Some then proceed to secondary usages of the word: “suggesting sexuality; voluptuousness”; “physical rather than spiritual or intellectual”; “carnal; fleshly”; “connected with sexual pleasure”; lacking in moral or spiritual interests; worldly. In so doing, are they misconstruing the beauty of the word? Has patriarchy and discomfort with things sensual caused some to distort and make that which is beautiful pornographic?

It became relevant to ponder when I decided to launch the idea of a Sensual Libertarian Network, including Onelegupnyc, FlirtNYC, Shamanta & others (Sensual For Charity.com) which would raise funds for New York City based charities serving the needs of those in transition and distress. The mission of Sensual For Charity is to harness the soul, creativity and philanthropic spirit of the Sensual Movement in New York City to support critical & timely NYC based charitable needs. I caught some flack and static because the concept was perceived by some as an endorsement of an alternative lifestyle rather than a profound appreciation for the spirit of generosity that exists within the artistic community.

These are odd times for sure. More troubling for me is that present circumstances in life preclude me from being as generous to those in my life as I would prefer. Throughout my life my passion has always been about the Pleasure of giving more so than receiving whether it is my community at large, friends and family as well as in matters romantic or professional networking. Being in a position of receiving and taking is not one that is most comfortable nor does it come natural to me. Nevertheless, it is this loving art that I put forth through the London Network. But I do know that some others feel that way as well. Ironically enough many of my friends in the Arts & Sensual Movement are among the most affected by a recessionary/depressionary economy but yet they have such a great love for humanity that despite whatever challenges they currently face, they want to find a way to assist others. Philanthropy when and until it hurts is true Philanthropy. You know it comes from the heart when it may be easier to withdraw and focus on ones own dramas in life.


Unlike some who perhaps theorize that Sensuality is devoid of humanism (see: Humanism) I beg to differ. We are all God's creatures. This brings me to my friend, Goddess Palagia, Co-founder of Onelegupnyc. Goddess Palagia is a compassionate, sensual, intellectual, alpha female goddess beauty who understands that politics and sexuality are interwoven. To those of who who don't know her, in my mind, she is truly The Goddess Who is Taking Manhattan. No offense to any of the other goddesses in my universe or yours....but she is certainly beloved and carving a swath across unchartered terrain.

Palagia is at the forefront of a Sensual Movement that is shaped by reality, common sense and human nature. Whether you agree with Palagia or not, she is an elegant, sophisticated and articulate representative of a movement that is about creating greater capacity of love, desire and fulfillment through exploration and non-exploitative enlightenment that allows us to embrace rather than being threatened by our sexuality. Onelegupnyc is a voyage of the heart, mind and spirit; one that liberates your soul and frees you to love and care without judgment or guilt. Onelegupnyc and their unique themed gatherings,provide a loving and warm enviornment, allowing allow women to "change the rules" and explore their freedom without being judged,scrutinized, or emasculating or disempowering men.

The liberation and freedom of a bold, confident, secure women who embraces her sexuality may bear the judgment of the less informed and enlightened. But, be certain in the fact that Palagia and Onelegupnyc is no threat to your lifestyle or the values you embrace. Even though we live in the Era of the Alpha Female Goddess, remnants of a patriarchal society still exist. While many may find titillation (see The Observer, New York, new hedonists & Soft Core in the Big Apple) in the adventurous aspect of an emboldened woman, we may not always be prepared to embrace that which we may on some level feel threatened by.

Instead some focus on assigning simplistic and outdated labels like slut, deviant, perverted etc (not that there is anything wrong with that), to a movement that is both sensual and political. What critics have missed or otherwise glossed over in merely highlighting the voyueristic delights to titillate the reader is that the brand of sensuality espoused by Palagia is empowering and liberating to women while also contributing to greater fulfillment of women and men. If we dare to relinquish control and refrain from judgment, ultimately we shall all be more free as a result. Men may ultimately find that they have alot more to gain rather than lose through the empowerment of a truly independent female class. It is inevitable anyway. The irony is that many still feel more comfortable with conventional notions of femininity espoused by the likes of "Sex and the City" than those that really challenge us like Palagia, Mama Gena & Elizabeth Wurtzel (Author of "Bitch, In Praise of Difficult Women" & "Prozac Nation") See also "Transactional Romance & Evolution of the Feminine Ideal"
Lest their be no doubt that a growing cross section of urban society and culture is becoming increasingly taken with Palagia. Palagia is a phenomenon, online and offline, not just because she is provocative and sexy, which she is, but more because she is incredibly intelligent, worldly, sophisticated and can carry on a dialoque with anyone, about nearly anything...if of course you have the capacity and aptitude to converse efficiently with a sexy woman who could eat you for lunch intellectually if you are not up to par. More people can identify with a "real woman" like Palagia than the post modern angst of vapid pseudo angst ridden Sarah Jessica Parker (Carrie Bradshaw), which is an embarrassment and a setback to the advancement of women. The "Real Sex and the City" was actually better represented by a show called Single in the City on Manhattan Cable which starred the now infamous"Barracudas", including Donna Barnes from Naked New York. While Palagia is incredibly comfortable with her sexuality, she does not seek or demand converts to an alternative lifestyle but rather instead for us to to embrace diversity and to infuse life and embrace all of god's living creatures with the love and sensuality that you offer your partners. Similarly, FlirtNYC is also much more about providing women with safe, comfortable and supportive environment and network to exercise their freedom without judgment. It is too simple to merely refer to this as a sex party, it as every bit political and enhances womens lives. Moreover the people in my circle involved in the Sensual Movement are loving souls, humanitarians and quite philanthropic, defined far more by what they do outside the bedroom in every other aspect of their lives, whether it be loving and supporting friends and family or being Sensual For Charity.

Palagia's sensuality transcends matters of the sexual. I have come to value highly the spirit of generosity inherent in her persona as one of the few bright spots in an otherwise difficult and challenging year. Art is Sensual and being Sensual Is an Art.

Andecdote of the day:
1)The sensual woman wants to be touched.
2) She wants to be heard
3) and most of all she wants to be loved.

:: Christopher London 7:40 AM [+] ::

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