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:: Thursday, April 10, 2003 ::

FREEDOMGASM:"Iraqi's Gone Wild", George B. as Snoop Doggie Dog & The Return of The Three Stooges

Freedom is an orgasm. Think of the endorphins running through your bloodstream after an amazing run, a first kiss with someone you fall in love with, making love with that goddess or god you have lusted, craved or desired or yes even closing that big deal, buying your first home or driving your first new car. It's pretty intense and pleasureable. Is it not? In the movie Pumping Iron Arnold Schwarzengger equated the endorphins from his workout "pump" with that of being in a constant state of ecstacy because he felt like he was always "cumming."

Well imagine having your every move and thought process stifled for years, family and friends tortured, maimed and slaughtered for even appearing to provide dissent to an existing regime. Then magically one day, tanks and infantry of young, fresh faced Americans roll into town providing you with food, water and cover from the tyranny of oppression. Your expression and the essence of your very soul erupts and the energy cascades throughout a population. To many they look like "Iraqi's Gone Wild." In fact, many in the Arab world, once again think that this is some American Propaganda show and distrust what they are witnessing. Think again baby, Freedom unleashed is contagious; it's dangerous for the simple reason that once you taste it you will not want to relinguish it. Look what happened during Glastnost. Do you thing any Russian really wants to go back to an era pre Gorbachev? Take off that Burka and come join the Freedom Party American style.

America, our President, and our politics are far from perfect but more often than not they are righteous. That is for sure. Show me another place on this planet where young men are willing to die to liberate and provide others, foreigners no less, with the simple comfort that perhaps many Americans take for granted. The freedom to wake up, grab a Starbucks, go to work and meet up with friends for some libations and maybe more. So put Onelegup for Uncle Sam baby. Just because the spread of freedom, democracy and freedom happens to benefit the American way does not necessarily make us hypocrites. To the liberators go the spoils of liberation. Hopefully the Iraqi people will remember that France, Russia & Germany, primary beneficiaries of the rogue regime in Baghdad were all too content to appease "Saddam Hussein" (So Dam Insane). They were wrong and slow to recognize the rise of Adolf Hitler and they were wrong again.

The word from Central Command is that the WAR is clearly not over but "victory" is seemingly close at hand, through a war funded by the blood of U.S. & British soldiers and the "alliance of the willing." Ironically enough, the Three Stooges (France, Germany & Russia, aka Moe, Larry & Curly) gathered once again to discuss their plans for a Post War Iraq, after previously opposing and undermining the United States in the United Nations by Saying that there was No Need For War. The Chutzpah!!

So to my leftist friends who condemn the United States as an Imperialist Nation and think of their European counterparts as being more evolved, sensitive with a greater perspective of culture and history, give me one good reason not to believe that the biggest "whores" of humanity reside dead center at the heart of the European Union. These are countries which grew fat and happy on contracts with a despotic dictator and had no regard for the plight of the Iraqi people. Does the world need to be reminded that these three countries and their leaders all thought that it was better for the people of Iraq to remain ruled by their oppressor?

Germany builds the bunkers, France has the best oil contracts and Russia, well they just helped spy for their neighbor Iraq to undermine U.S. influence and its War on Terror. These are the same folks who keep pushing Israel to sit down and just negotiate in good faith with terrorists. Has Europe learned nothing from WW II and the Holocaust? Actually, what I think that they have learned is that they would like to do all they can to eliminate the relevance of the United States of America and Israel from the world stage so that they can more effectively spread their Eurocentric view of the world.

Despite the plans of France, Germany & Russia, I think that it is critical that the United States and Britain not be played for fools by these pragmatic opportunists who have unfortunately a short memory. I prefer a vision incorporating the Bush Doctrine for a Post War Iraq. The Heritage Foundation is also making an enlightened case for a Post War Iraq.

The stability of the Middle East and Iraq specifically are legitimate concerns. The land know as Iraq has undergone 4,000 Years of Strife. In fact, noted author of "The Reckoning" Sandra Mackey has begged the question Iraq: Could a future without Saddam be Even Worse? I think it certainly might unless the United States sticks firm to a vision of utilizing the country's resources to build the Iraqi infrastructure and a society free of oppression in Iraq. Otherwise, the lions at the gates have but one interest, to expolit that region to the detriment of its people. The United States can and must win the peace but not by brokering up piece meal Iraq to the Three Stooges. We are certainly not altruists but the Iraqi people have alot more to gain with the assistance of an American vision than they do of a European/Russian one.
:: Christopher London 11:45 AM [+] ::

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